Northwest Boreal Partnership Reunited In Person!

The Northwest Boreal Partnership held its first in-person partnership gathering in three years! On October 4-5th, the NWBP gathered at the Tonsina River Lodge in Copper Center, AK. The Partnership members reconnected with each other and built new relationships and connections as we strengthened our existing ones. We engaged in discussions around existing methods for land planning and discussed how to incorporate Indigenous, transboundary, and collaborative approaches. Led by Joe Copper Jack, Elder and Indigenous Land Planner, we learned about the Land & Peoples Relationship Model, a collaborative, knowledge-building process that respects both First Nations’ Long-Ago Peoples’ Way & Western knowledge. We spent time together outside on the land, and elected a new Canadian vice co-chair to the Partnership. We welcome Coralee Johns to our leadership team, and are grateful for your contributions to the NWBP!

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