The Northwest Boreal Partnership, as part of the Northern Latitudes Partnerships, is offering an Indigenous Land Use Planning course in collaboration with the US Fish & Wildlife Service and UAF’s Tribal Governance.
This course is free and has unlimited seating. If you want to take the course for 1 UAF college credit, a tuition scholarship is available. The course is for land planners, land managers/owners, Tribal/First Nation government leaders, and employees, Indigenous leaders, state/provincial/federal government agencies, college and graduate students, etc. who want to further land planning efforts that are based in Indigenous ways, values, and relationships.
The course will be co-facilitated with the lead facilitator being Crystal Leonetti, USFWS Alaska Native Affairs Specialist, and Carrie Stevens, UAF Tribal Governance Faculty as a co-facilitator. All the sessions will be led by Alaskan and Canadian Indigenous speakers including Elders and professionals as well.
Please look over the below flyer for more information. Apply to participate through this Google form. Please pass along this information to anyone you think might be interested, and feel free to reach out to Hannah-Marie Garcia at with any questions.